Sustainable digital web agency - Luxembourg

Sustainable digital web agency - Luxembourg

Together for a sustainable digital future! "The future depends on what we do today." – Mahatma Gandhi

Sustainability is at the centre of our digital agency when it comes to the development and provision of websites and web applications. Our motto is: ecologically, socially and economically united! Style and environmental friendliness go hand in hand and complement each other perfectly.

Our contribution includes:

  • CO2-neutral hosting
  • Paperless offices
  • Energy-efficient workplaces
  • Minimalist designs
  • Modern CMS systems
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Use of modern image formats

Let's shape the digital future together!

Webseiten erstellen, modernisieren und reparieren

Create, modernise and repair websites

Ready to take off online? We know that a strong online presence is crucial in today's world - whether you're a tradesman, accountant, consultancy, restaurant owner or retailer. An engaging website is essential and sets you apart from the competition.

This is exactly where we come in! With our expertise in the creation, modernisation and repair of websites, we can help you do just that. Through customised web design and search engine optimisation (SEO), we ensure that your website is not only found, but also appeals to your target group.

Our focus is on a ‘clean’ website. Clean in the sense of clean code and, of course, taking sustainability aspects into account.

Get in touch with us and let us improve your website together.

Optimierung des Rankings bei Google & anderen Suchmaschinen

Optimisation of the ranking on Google & other search engines

Optimising your website for search engines such as Google is an extremely important factor for your online success! It is important to understand that search engine optimisation is a continuous process and there is no one-off solution.

We help you to optimise your website and offer:

  • A comprehensive analysis of your website
  • Customised SEO strategies
  • Long-term support

Weitere Informationen zu SEO finden Sie z.B. unter:

Sustainable web presence: Intuitive, lightning fast!

Sustainable web presence: Intuitive, lightning fast!

In an increasingly digitalised world, it is crucial to stand out from the crowd. But how can this be reconciled with sustainability and efficiency? Quite simply!

Thanks to the use of modern image formats, optimised programming and advanced caching, our websites load at lightning speed. This means that significantly less data is transferred and loaded, which demonstrably reduces the CO2 emissions of websites!

Here you will find an interesting calculation example: Danny Van Kooten - Website Carbon Emissions

Our own website is rated A+ by Website Carbon. This means that our website performs better than 95% of all websites on the net.

Contact us for a free consultation! We will develop a sustainable and efficient website for you!

Change of perspective - Webdesign Luxembourg

Change of perspective - Webdesign Luxembourg

Our web design approach from Luxembourg differs from that of many agencies. We are not trained designers, but we are passionate developers. We prioritise simplicity and usability without filling our sites with cluttered elements. We focus on creating modern and accessible websites, resulting in sites that are modern, sleek and user-friendly. Experience a new side of web design from Luxembourg with us.

Responsive Webdesign für Handy, Tablet und PC

Responsive web design for mobile phones, tablets and PCs

Websites are no longer viewed exclusively on a PC. Current statistical analyses from Luxembourg show that the proportion of mobile phones and tablets is already over 60 %. This is also the reason why responsive web design, which looks equally good on mobile phones, tablets and PCs, is super important. So for us, it's a case of equal rights for all! We have been aware of this problem for many years and therefore use media queries, fluid grids, the viewport meta tag and responsive images to ensure that this also works for your website.

Conversation Rate und Lead-Generierung

Conversation rate and lead generation

Just like plants, websites need loving care in order to grow and flourish. The conversion rate and lead generation are as essential for the development of the website as our morning coffee or tea. Visitors to the website should be able to contact us directly without having to search for a long time. We check the conversion paths, optimise landing pages and thus ensure that your inbox does not remain empty!

User experience and speed of your website

The speed of a website is the key to a positive user experience. Nobody wants to wait a long time when visiting a website. Interesting statistics published by Google Benchmarking Tests underline this. In 2021, more than 4 billion web visits were analysed to learn more about the factors that impact website load time. Here are some key findings:

User experience and speed of your website
  • A website loading speed of 10 seconds leads to a 123% higher bounce rate on mobile phones compared to a loading speed of 1 second, according to the Google Industry Mobile Speed Report[1].

  • Google Insights found that 53% of mobile site visitors will abandon a page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load[2].

  • Website conversion rates fall by 4.42% for every second of loading time, as a study by technology agency Portant shows in an experiment in the range between 0 and 5 seconds[3].

  • Nearly 70% of all consumers have said that loading speed affects their willingness to buy products from an online retailer, according to a report on page speed[4].

When designing our websites, we rely on a turbo page layout that not only improves the user experience but also minimises the ecological footprint. We always keep an eye on the loading time, the First Contentful Paint (FCP), the Time to Interactive (TTI) and the First Input Delay (FID) - and with success. Thanks to our optimisations, we are seeing significantly more visitors to our website, and Google Page Speed Insight gave our website a score of 95 for mobile display!


Never begin to stop. Never stop to begin!¹

We look forward to connecting with you and bringing ideas and visions into the digital world together!
Let's create new things and improve existing ones together!

¹ Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero

Please calculate 9 plus 6.